Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is about life?

I was watching some archive footage of a gentleman giving His "Last Lecture" on Ophra show and want to comment.

I recommend it. Here's the link.
http://www.clarin.com/shared/v8.1/swf/fullscreen_video.html?archiv o=http://videosfla.uigc.net/2008/07/29/rp.flv

My step mother is dying of pancreatic cancer, but has taken the Eeyore approach and given up. It was hard for me to accept but she did not want visitors. She didn't have a phone so I sent her one of mine, but I never got through to her on it. She didn't want to talk with anyone either. According to by step brother, she barely tolerated him being there. Soo sad!

Something I've heard twice in the last week that made me stop and think. Once from Dave Ramsey and then again from the man giving this lecture. The character traits that I think are so important. Have integrity, show gratitude, and play hard. The lecturer has this to say and I agree with him. He summarizes it's not just "how to achive your dreams" but "how to live your life".

A. If you want to achieve you dreams you need work and play well with others and that means you have live with integrity. Simple advice that you'll find very difficult to follow. Just, TELL the TRUTH.
B. When you screw up, Apologize. Apologize the right way. It has three components.
1) Tell them "I'm sorry!"
2) Tell them "It was my fault."
3) Ask them "How do I make it right?"
The third element of the apology is very important, it show sincerity.
C. Show Gratitude.
D) Don't think complaining or wining solves any problems. You can choose to take your finite time, energy and effort complaining or playing the game hard. This is probably going to be more helpful to you in the long run.